Tinfos krafthandel

Energy management

Energy trading requires experience. We handle the power production for you, so that you can obtain the greatest value from the generated energy.

Revenue from energy

We sell energy on an ongoing basis to Nord Pool’s spot market, handle deviations between forecast and actual production when buying and selling, and ensure the quality of measured values for production and consumption.

If necessary, we carry out market analyses.


Tinfos energy supplier

Tinfos, through its subsidiary Tinfos Strøm AS, supplies energy primarily to customers who are connected to Tinfos Nett in Notodden but, on request, it can also supply end users in Norway. Tinfos is a supplier for consumption and energy production for energy producers that have agreements with Tinfos Strøm. Tinfos is responsible for the balance sheet.

Electricity certificates and guarantees of origin

We agree criteria and procedures for the sale of electricity certificates and guarantees of origin with the power plant owner, managing certificates as per the agreement.

Contact us for an informal chat

Bjarne Berge
Chief Operating Officer
Marita Nordbø Eriksen
Financial Manager